Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I got a surgery date a while back. I'm T-minus 16 days today. I'm having...well...jaw surgery. This much I know for sure. I went to the surgeon's office today for models/molds/measurements, etc...and found out that even though we thought I was only having surgery on the lower jaw, I might need surgery on the upper jaw too. I'm praying that it's only the lower - a BSSO (Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy).

However, it's looking like it might include the upper - a LeFort Osteotomy.

According to the surgeon, the recovery time is roughly the same, but the recovery itself is very different. I chose not to get all details on how much harder it will be if I get the upper too until I know for sure that's the case. Ignorance is bliss? I'm kidding myself to say that. I'll worry about it until I know. I'm hoping they don't keep me in the dark until surgery day. Nothing like changing it up at the last minute.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I do not like the looks of this.