Sunday, August 2, 2009

Catching up?

Well, I realized today that I came home from the hospital on Friday and now it's Sunday. I've been doing a LOT of sleeping. But, I want to keep my pics, etc... updated.

On Friday morning I was wheeled through the super-secret-spy tunnel to the surgeon's office. It's not really super-secret or spy like, but more like a graveyard for old beds that don't work anymore.
At the surgeon's office x-rays were taken to make sure everything is doing what it's supposed to be doing. Apparently so far so good.

The yellow arrows point to the screws that are holding my lower jaw in place. The red arrows point to the shadowy part where the jaw was split and moved forward. And the green arrows point to where they moved the chin backwards. My stepdad says it looks like they used a toy jack in there to hold my chin in place.

I am contemplating this. Or rather, it's bright and I'm on drugs.

The pain level hasn't been so bad yet. Yesterday and today were supposed to be the worst days and if that's the case I've gotten off easy. It has been worse today, but I've just been sleeping through it!

I watched the first 4 episodes of the Buffy Season 1. It's a good thing I've seen them all before! I keep falling asleep. I'm not up for reading yet. I'm consuming a lot of liquids. Soup for dinner it is. And hopefully I get more of it down than on my shirt this time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fact that you are already updating your blog is wonderful news to me! You know you were waiting for that Xray to talk to you!