Saturday, August 1, 2009

Break my face

On Wednesday, June 29, I went to the orthodontist for my pre-op surgical hooks and then to the surgeon's office for pre-admitting. It takes a long time when I go to the orthodontist because as he put it, he has a hard time delegating me out to anyone else. It's apparently a pretty difficult case. So I wait for him to work on me first hand and that's just fine with me. His staff is great! They make me feel right at home. There's a running joke with all the girls that I'm always there through lunch and I should brown bag it when I've got an appointment! Below are only about 1/3 of the models they took in preparation for the surgery...

On Thursday, July 30 at what was supposed to be 1pm (they took me in early...), I had a Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy and a Genioplasty. My lower jaw as moved forward to correct my bite, but then my chin was moved back so that I don't resemble Jay Leno! And, then the obligatory post op...

1 comment:

Donna said...

I am so glad they made it where you don't look like Jay Leno!! Talked to your mom everyday for updates as you have been in my thoughts ALL the time. Love you sweetie!