Wednesday, July 29, 2009

T minus 1

Tomorrow is the big day! I've got a million and one things to do today. I'm feeling much better about it than I did yesterday. I've got appointments today to get the surgical hooks and for my pre-op at the hospital. And, I've got last minute things to finish up for work. It'll be a busy day and I'm thinking that's a good thing!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Now that's what I'm talking about...

but not for long!

I got good news yesterday! I'm only having the lower jaw surgery. No upper!! AND the hospital called to say my insurance is paying 80% of the hospital charges! I'm so excited!!! This is significant for a few reasons. 1. I was originally told that my insurance wasn't covering anything. 2. Upper would have doubled the surgery cost. And 3. I'm told the recovery for lower is easier than for both. Same length of time for recovery, but I'll have an easier time.

I'm getting a little nervous. Okay. That's a lie. Today has been rough. I've done most of the grocery shopping for the first bit of recovery. The blender is set up. The ice is in the freezer. And the white board is ready for communication. I've got the Buffy series to re-watch, my Kindle loaded up and the DVR recording. Although I'm sure I'll sleep away the first couple of days.

Ready or not? We'll soon find out...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I got a surgery date a while back. I'm T-minus 16 days today. I'm having...well...jaw surgery. This much I know for sure. I went to the surgeon's office today for models/molds/measurements, etc...and found out that even though we thought I was only having surgery on the lower jaw, I might need surgery on the upper jaw too. I'm praying that it's only the lower - a BSSO (Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy).

However, it's looking like it might include the upper - a LeFort Osteotomy.

According to the surgeon, the recovery time is roughly the same, but the recovery itself is very different. I chose not to get all details on how much harder it will be if I get the upper too until I know for sure that's the case. Ignorance is bliss? I'm kidding myself to say that. I'll worry about it until I know. I'm hoping they don't keep me in the dark until surgery day. Nothing like changing it up at the last minute.