Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So this morning I went to the grocery store because I had woken up only to remember I had run out of creamer for my tea. I'm in line and this is the exchange I hear:

Customer: Can I also have a pack of Marlboro Lights please?

Clerk: Do you want a box or soft pack?

Customer: (Very deadpan delivery...) It doesn't matter to me. The both have the same amount of death in them.

Clerk and Me: (Laughter)

Customer: (Looking each of us in the eye and also with deadpan delivery...) Clearly neither one of you smokes. (Exit left through automatic door.)


Mary said...

I'm gonna comment everytime you post because I. Love. You.



Mel said...

I. love. you. too.

I read your last blog. Is it okay that I cried? Wow. We need to catch up on the phone.